Here is the full usage for the CLI, but see below for specifics of each command:

    ezcv [-h] [-v] [-p]
    ezcv build [-d OUTPUT_DIR] [-o]
    ezcv init [<name>] [<theme>] [-f]
    ezcv theme [-l] [-c] [-m] [<theme>]
    ezcv section <SECTION_NAME> [-t=<type>]

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-v, --version         show program's version number and exit
-l, --list            list the possible themes
-c, --copy            copy the provided theme, or defined site theme
-p, --preview         preview the current state of the site
-o, --optimize        Optimize output files (takes longer to run)
-f, --flask           Generate Flask routes and requirements.txt
-d OUTPUT_DIR, --dir OUTPUT_DIR The folder name to export the site to
-m, --metadata        Generate metadata for the theme
-t=<type>, --type=<type> The type of section to generate [default: markdown]


This command is used to initialize projects from the command line. There are two optional positional arguments for the person's name and which theme to use:

ezcv init <name> <theme>


If your name is Kieran and you want to use the aerial theme you could do:

ezcv init Kieran aerial

Which will create a site at /Kieran and set theme: aerial in the config.yml file. Along with the config.yml a demo folder structure and demo files are generated (but will be ignored unless examples:true is set in the config.yml file).


To preview your site simply go to the root (where config.yml is) and run:

ezcv -p

Note that your browser Cache may cause some issues when switching themes, please hard refresh (usually ctrl + r). Additionally DO NOT proxy the port for this preview, it is not designed to be a production-ready http server


The build command is used to export the site's HTML.

ezcv build --dir="site"

There are two optional flags:

  • The --dir flag for giving a custom name to the output directory (default is "site")
  • If you want to build the site and optimize the files after building (slower build times, but makes site faster) then use -o or --optimize. Note this only works with themes using the official folder structure, and the image minification will also clear any exif data.


If you want to create a site at ./my_site:

ezcv build --dir="my_site"

If you want to create a site at ./site that has it's files optimized you could do:

ezcv build -o

If you want to create a site at ./my_site that has it's files optimized you could do:

ezcv build --dir="my_site" -o


This command is used to get information about themes and/or copy theme files for customization.

ezcv theme -l -c <theme>

There are two optional flags and one positional argument:

  • -l indicates you want to see a list of the available themes
  • -c indicates you want to copy a theme
  • First it will check if a <theme> argument has been passed, and if it has it will copy that theme
  • Then it will check if there's a config.yml file in the current directory and copy that one
  • Then it will just default to exporting the dimension theme
  • -m used to generate metadata file (note will also copy into project folder if not already there, and required_config will not be specified)


List all available themes

ezcv theme -l

Copy the theme used in a config.yml file in the same directory

ezcv theme -c

Copy the aerial theme

ezcv theme -c aerial

Generate a metadata.yml file for provided theme in the config.yml file in the same directory (note copies the theme if it's not already in the project directory)

ezcv theme -m


This command is used to create new sections

ezcv section <SECTION_NAME> [-t=<type>]

Note that if a section exists it will just print details about the section

There are two optional flags and one positional argument:

  • -t The type of section to generate [default: markdown], can be a few options:
  • m or markdown: Generate markdown section
  • g or gallery: Generate gallery section
  • b or blog: Generate blog section, note you can control which theme files to generate (by default all 3 will be generated but you can optionally specify 1-3 other letters)
    • Add an s to generate single.jinja (i.e. ezcv section <SECTION_NAME> -t bs)
    • Add an f to generate feed.jinja (i.e. ezcv section <SECTION_NAME> -t bf)
    • Add an o to generate overview.jinja (i.e. ezcv section <SECTION_NAME> -t bo)

Create a new markdown section called books in the current theme

ezcv section books


ezcv section "books" -t m


ezcv section books --type="markdown"

Create a new gallery section called gallery in the current theme

ezcv section gallery -t g

Create a new blog section called blog (with all 3 jinja files) in the current theme

ezcv section blog -t b

Create a new blog section called blog with only single templates in the current theme

ezcv section blog -t bs

Create a new blog section called blog with only overview and feed templates in the current theme

ezcv section blog -t bof

Print details about existing section called 'blog'

ezcv section blog